Get Similar customers (or rows) in data using DNA Matching Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence on your data.
Here's a quick video that will help you in understanding how you can leverage LinkedLabs for your work! We have open sourced our basic code and is free to use for individuals.
If you find our work awesome, You can check out the pro version as well and use more sophisticated algorithms finely tuned for your usecase!
Our open source solutions provide robust methods to give you similar customers in three lines of code.
pip install linkedlabs
from linkedlabs import get_similarities
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_pickle("your_pandas_dataframe.pkl") ## Any pandas dataframe
similarity_df = get_similarities(df)
By using basic DNA matching algorithm, get your results in just 5 minutes!
More advanced and sophisticated DNA matching algorithm with parallelization and Big data support.
Whether AWS, Google Cloud, Azure or others service providers, we got you covered!
Domain specific solution and support by our Data Experts.
Get customized pipelines for your usecase.
We have got a proficient team packed with the expertise and insight.